The best essential oils for immunity


As the colder weather fast approaches so too does cold and flu season. It’s always a good time to start strengthening your immunity, but right now it's essential. Just because people around you are coming down with a virus or flu, it doesn’t mean you have to as well! As big fans, and sellers of doTerra essential oils, we love how much oils can help (and easily be incorporated into your everyday life) to help ward off the sniffles and inflammation.

There are many natural ways to boost immunity, and essential oils are a great place to start. The more you learn about the incredible healing properties of pureessential oils, you realise just how powerful they really are for yourphysical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Here are five detoxifying and immune-boosting essential oils we recommend you try:


Frankincense is often referred to as the King of essential oils because of its array of health benefits. Known for its power at boosting immunity,  it can even help your body produce more white blood cells to strengthen the immune system even more. Further on, it’s anti-inflammatory, promotes relaxation, balances moods and supports smooth, radiant skin. Try rubbing Frankincense onto your hands and feet after a long day of work.


Lemon has a wondering detoxifying and flushing effect on the system. A great way to include the essential oil derived from lemon is first thing in the morning upon waking. Add a few drops into a warm glass of water and drink within 10 minutes of jumping out of bed. This simple and natural detox drink will improve the regularity of your digestive tract, assist daily bowel movements, promote a healthy appetite, help manage weight and flush toxic build-up from your body.  


This essential oil is a natural antibiotic and is very useful at strengthening the immune system and fighting off stomach virus’ and flu. Try adding a few drops into a diffuser or mix it in with a body oil such as organic cold-pressed coconut oil and rub it into your hands and feet before going to bed.


Lavender is renowned for its calming and soothing effect on the body and mind which in turn will assist in a better night’s sleep, allowing your body to heal, strengthen and restore. Diffuse the oil in your bedroom before going to bed or add a few drops together with Epsom salts into a warm bath to not only pull toxins out of the body but relax you in the process.


The oil pulled from the Eucalyptus plant is wonderful for any respiratory symptoms such as allergies, infection and congestion due to its anti-bacterial properties. Try some good old fashion steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil by popping a few drops into a bucket of boiling water and inhaling it in through your nose.

Remember to ask in studio about our doTerra Oils. doTerra has an incredible product called doTERRA On Guard® Protective Blend which includes rosemary, eucalyptus and more. It's one of their best sellers and can even be used on surfaces throughout the home as a non-toxic cleaner.