Supplements, what you need to know

You love Pilates… then love supplements too… because supplements are time efficient, nutritious and can be delicious and can lead to better results.

These are NOT pills and potions, body building muscle popping concoctions or unnatural food replacements, so what is supplementation and how can it help me and my Pilates?

There is no comparison; choosing whole foods and eating things as naturally as they form over processed, preserved foods is a gold standard in nutrition. However, the practicality of life, convenience and cost makes for reaching this gold standard a tough achievement for most. By definition, supplementation is to complement (add to) rather than replace or have instead of these gold standard strivings. I simply like to think of supplement as another ‘energy in’ food choice regardless of the fact it often comes in the form of a powder that I do alternate with real food and these powders if the right ones are selected, are very natural, often superior complexes with superfoods to make it even more effective for you. BUT to be honest supplementation wins my vote for convenience. Easy to carry, store, mix, consume are all big wins vs food. 


Now let’s add exercise into the conversation, as supplementation can play a part in supporting your exercise; Pilates in our case and the other things you do, because ALL exercise adds additional demands on our system, our body. Thus being active I feel increases a persons need and chance they will seek supplementation because post exercise we have a defined window where consuming energy via more traditional food is often harder to achieve if we heading to work, out with friends or just running errands post class and not in a place to easily to consume or prepare or purchase ‘quality’ food.

I live by the defined window of 20-30 minutes post exercise for ‘energy in’ food to be consumed as (and depending on the exercise) this will be when your body craves replenishment, and the most efficient way normally is via drinks and shakes to consume these nutrients. If you didn’t know exercise in the form of Pilates is a strength and toning, muscle activating regime and this process of recruiting your bodies muscles (remember the ‘burn’ feeling or the day after muscle soreness) is actually in simple terms your body breaking down muscle and the proteins it comprises so it can repair and be stronger.

This is your bodies overload principle for improvement, it also burns calories (energy) whilst doing this repair meaning your workouts often have a metabolism benefit well after the exercising has completed. The body’s process is to use key nutrients already available however post exercise many of these ‘fuel stores’ are empty so therefore refuelling and/or supplementation is required to make this internal process quicker and aid this recovery. Ensuring enough and the correct nutrients are available in the body, will mean reduced soreness over time and aid in fast-tracking your goals.

Muscles primarily are made of proteins yet they burn glycogen from carbohydrates as well so a mix of these macronutrients is desirable and in my opinion suggested if these post exercise rebuilding is to be enhanced – refer to lean Protein below. Whilst there is this post exercise window there is also an overall vision of what is good for you during exercise and throughout the day, thus with exercise demands means having ‘other’ readily available products to be absorbed is where our second product comes in… BCAA (branch chain amino Acids).

So, what supplements are best?

Let’s talk about two most common supplements and the ones I believe for you, our members will be the most beneficial and why. These are Lean Protein and BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids). The brand is important and our chosen supplier is Tropeaka due to a number of reasons but feel free to choose what works for you.


This product loved by tens of thousands of customers all around the world

· Helps to tone and build lean muscle 

· Easily digestible & non bloating 

· Perfect for muscle recovery & repair 

· Full of branched chain amino acids

· Helps you stay fuller for longer & satisfy cravings 

THOUSANDS of 5 star reviews from verified buyers 

· Vegetarian and Vegan friendly 

· Naturally free from dairy, soy and gluten

· 100% natural with NO artificial flavours or sweeteners 

TWO common flavours to ensure easy adding to your smoothies

· Vanilla 

· Chocolate








Is an advanced blend that includes a premium quality plant-based BCAA powder along with superfoods, electrolytes and a deep-sea mineral complex for optimal performance and recovery.

It's a complete blend that will strengthen you through the toughest of workouts. It's designed to support you with the toning and building of lean muscle but also the recovery of your body so that you can bounce back for your next workout stronger than ever!

Instantised & Soluble Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

  • Helps you tone & build lean muscle

  • Supports muscle growth, recovery & repair

  • 2:1:1 BCAA ratio - 5.25g BCAA per serve

  • Delicious taste flavours

  • Mineral complex for workout recovery

  • Helps to boost energy production

  • Helps in reducing tiredness and fatigue

  • Refined sugar-free, sweetened by nature

  • 100% plant-based power

  • Vitamin C for healthy immune function

  • Full 5 Star health rating (Australian Government initiative)

  • Nutrient-dense and contains key electrolytes

  • Low in fat and saturated fats

  • Vegetarian and Vegan-friendly

  • Naturally free from dairy, soy and gluten