What are the 'social rules' at a gym or fitness studio?


So, this is an interesting poster from a fitness facility in Europe...

Hmmm... what do you think when you read this?

  1. Do people annoy you in your classes if they are talking when you are trying to concentrate, or

  2. Aren’t we social beings and the laughter, socialisation and fun is just as important as the exercise, or

  3. Mutual respect is paramount. Be focused on your goals but respect others’ needs from a class?


I could go on and on with options as I’m sure you could imagine. Trying to be something for everyone is a tough ask in any business or relationship. However, this still remains our key objective at Pilates & Co.... to please you all and deliver you the total class experience which incorporates the workout and practice, of course, but importantly all the other touchpoints pre and post-class and in between.

So let me break this down…

Personality Types

Quite simply everyone is different and depending on your personality will depend on what answer you were most drawn to above. We all have different genetic make-ups or predisposition and there is some great research into categorising people into 6 broad groups.

For example, some love to workout with others. For them, it’s all about the community, comforting, reassuring. These people may actually love to hang around after class to have chats and feel secure in the environment with others. They may also prefer to get one-on-one personalised acknowledgement and encouragement. Is this you?

Other personality groups prefer specific target outcomes, defined reps and sets and routines. They love the ritual and consistency and may also like to be publicly acknowledged in class either to correct form or work smarter or harder... have you seen these people before?

These are just two common examples.

Environmental Factors

When you add people’s schedules and time of day to this mix, even people grouped into a specific personality type can elicit a different response. Some may prefer or are more effective early morning vs lunch or evening periods. This may, without realising, affect your attitude and behaviours in a class for yourself and others.

Then we have the influence of our instructors who have personalities and preferences too. And as with any relationship and interaction, it does take time to figure each other out. All relationships are a two-way street but we (the instructors) certainly want to be on the front foot learning about you as quick as possible to deliver you the most tailored experience in a group environment.

So. what are the fitness studio social rules really?

Being an avid surfer and Gold Coast local, I think of the unwritten "rules of a surf line up”, and wonder if there is or should be the same when it comes to fitness studios and gyms.

Something we’re proud of at Pilates & Co is the friendly, community environment that we and the staff work hard to foster. And because of this, I can’t imagine many of our members wanting a sign like this one posted anywhere near our studio.

However, we are all different. And we’ll all want different things on different days. It helps sometimes to remind ourselves to appreciate and respect others and their space. Whether you crave that social aspect or fear it, or perhaps fall somewhere in between, make an effort to help others understand you and we will be collectively continuing to move towards the best experience and understanding of each other.